Cedar Tree Therapy focuses therapy for anxiety, body image and complicated family dynamics.

You are a high achiever, constantly grappling with the overwhelming weight of expectations that demand perfection in every aspect of your life. This relentless pressure gnaws at your sense of self-worth, leaving you feeling perpetually crushed and suffocated. But there's more to your struggles than meets the eye. Generations of dieting and the relentless pursuit of the thin ideal have infiltrated your mind, leaving you with deep-seated body image issues that suffocate you.

Within the confines of your family dynamics, a different kind of anxiety takes hold. When you step into their presence, it feels as if you are tiptoeing on fragile eggshells, acutely aware of every shift in mood, every glance and sigh. The emotional minefield that you navigate during family visits is treacherous, your every word and action carefully curated to avoid setting off any potential explosions of discord and unrest. The burden of this constant vigilance weighs heavily upon you, your mind tirelessly working to ensure everyone's emotional equilibrium remains intact, even if it comes at the expense of your own inner peace.

Seeking support from a qualified therapist can provide you with the tools and guidance to navigate these intricate webs of pressure to be perfect, body image struggles, and family dynamics. Through therapy, you can begin to rediscover your own worthiness, and begin crafting a life that is defined by your own desires and aspirations.

Cedar Tree Therapy in Whitby, Ontario is dedicated to serving teens and young adults experiencing anxiety, low self esteem, disordered eating and family issues. Treatment and assessment methods that are supported by scientific evidence ensure that you and your family is receiving the highest quality of care. Read more about our services here:

Therapy for anxiety, body image and complicated family dynamics.

The therapy process will cultivate understanding of your unique needs and help you learn the skills to live a life of meaning and joy. We offer support and guidance to understand your individual emotional, social and biological needs and work to create a treatment plan that will be effective for you.

Cedar Tree Therapy has a passion for mental health.

If you are looking for accurate, up to date information about mental health concepts, trends and common questions, check out the blog here: